Passion Week. Monday: Before the Foundation of the World

  • “He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise Him on the heel.” (Genesis 3:15)
  • “…this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God…” (Acts2:23)
  • “Then He took the twelve aside and said to them,“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem,and all things which are written through the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished. For He will be handed over to the Gentiles, and will be mocked and mistreated and spit upon, and after they have scourged Him, they will kill Him.” (Luke 18:31-33a)

Jesus’ march to the cross did not begin at this Passover, and not even in the Garden of Eden, but infinite millennia before. But why? A.W. Pink says of God: “During a past eternity, God was alone: self-contained, self-sufficient, self-satisfied; in need of nothing.” Why would a completely holy, perfectly satisfied God design an atrocity like the cross to come to man’s rescue? The plan formed by God in eternity past to redeem sinful people to populate His Son’s kingdom is difficult for finite, incomplete, imperfect, time-bound minds to grasp. Even more incomprehensible is that such sinful creatures could receive eternity because of the Father’s love for the Son. But as the eternal plan unfolded within the constraints of time, we see our Savior devoted to do His Father’s will and rescue His inheritance.

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